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Raise your hand if you’ve ever played any piece of music published by Alfred? Yep, thought so. Whether it be the Bach inventions or some sort of music theory curriculum, chances are we’ve all had some experience with their sheet music. More at Kawai has recognized that Alfred is one of the leading publishers of educational music, and has partnered with them to include lessons from their Basic Piano Course Books 1A and 1B—perfect for your little Mozart!

DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC? One of the coolest features of this piano that I have not seen on other comparable models is what Kawai calls “Concert Magic.” Basically, what this allows you to do is load up one of the Concert Magic songs and, no matter what key you press, the KDP90 will play the correct notes for you! More at This reminds me of the “one touch chords” you used to find on electronic keyboards way back when. You have your choice of different styles, from classical to Christmas, children’s’ to patriotic, and so on. Now, you can impress your friends at parties and be a one-man (or woman) band.

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